How it works
It's all a question of balance and resilience. MenoBloom helps you find your fortitude and strength to accommodate hormonal challenges while powering to your personal best. Your Menopause Coach will use their expertise to best support you, to help you optimize your psychological health and wellness.
Using women-centric behavioural change psychology tools and techniques you will learn how to harmonise your mind, body and spirit. Our supportive coaching techniques help young girls, and women of all ages deal with pain, anxiety, and depression to develop coping strategies, rebuild identity, confidence and a healthy self image.
What to expect at MenoBloom Hormonal Wellness Clinic
You will learn how you can navigate through your personalised menstruation/menopause journey to enhance your mental health and well-being, quality of life, emotional balance and resilience.
Step 1:
Your journey begins with your face to face consultation at the Clynden Avenue Specialist Clinic or virtual consultation with your MenoBloom Wellness Coach to connect and build a rapport; establish a coaching plan; focusing on your concerns, goals and provide you with a plan to move forward.Step 2:
Face-to-face at Clynden Avenue clinic, Melbourne, or online coaching session. Here we help you identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and help you find new ways to overcome them, by building your confidence you will feel more empowered and in control.Your MenoBloom Wellness Coach will support you to help you optimize your psychological health and wellness during these transitions in life by
- Discussing your goals and concerns that may be impacting on your relationship with your body, such as identity loss, mental health struggles (anxiety, stress and depression), mood swings, ‘brain fog’, memory loss, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, loss of energy, focus, concentration and motivation, low mood, mood swings - crying spells and anger, loss of joy, irritability, panic attacks, sexual health, insomnia and irregular sleep
- Providing evidence based recommendations, resources, interventions and strategies to implement lifestyle habits to better manage menopause and menstruation symptoms, such as stress and anxiety management, hot flashes, sleep, and exercise to optimize your hormonal and psychological wellness.